COVID-19 Update
At Hurst Auction Company, the safety of our customers and employees is our first priority. With the widespread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we appreciate that safety is at the forefront of your mind too.
- We will not be conducting any Live Auctions until Further Notice
- All of our Auction Loadouts will be by Appointment Only
- At all Auction Loadouts hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, etc will be provided and used vigorously to provide a safe environment for all.
- If you feel sick, please stay home and contact us so we can make other arrangements for you to receive your items.
Your trust is at the very heart of our business. We will continue to Monitor the Spread of this Virus and stay up to date with all news and regulations.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us
Office: 423-353-1112
Greg Hurst: 423-748-6955/
Ethan Hurst: 423-307-4119/
Hurst Auction Company
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